My first instinct when creating this blog was to "back blog," but decided against it. I can hardly keep up with everything that is going on without having to remember and write about what happened days, weeks, or months ago. However, I may still be guilty of backblogging in the future.
The signs of spring are definitely here--snow melting, birds singing, and babies, babies, babies! On February 4, Kristin and Matthew became the proud parents of Axton, followed by Jenni and Tony with baby Dante on February 29 (He's our little Leapie!). Two babies added to our family is such a wonderful blessing. I'm looking forward to spending more time with them and getting to know their little personalities.
One other major sign of Spring--Spring Break! I'm looking forward to both a break from teaching and a break from graduate school. Now, don't worry because I'll be plenty busy tending, playing, shopping, and having a good time with little Zoe. She's 28 months, going on 13 years. She's such a cute little diva. :) I'm sure we'll have a fabulous time while her mom rests and takes care of the new baby.
Until another day,