Sunday, November 27, 2011


A few weeks ago, I went and hiked Ensign Peak one afternoon/evening.  I am off track and not working, so I pretty much do whatever I want. It rocks. 

I hiked all the way to the top, and then went to the vista also on the way down. Both views are beautiful of the Salt Lake Valley. From the top, you are able to see all of the Salt Lake area and into Davis county and look out onto the Great Salt Lake. It was kind of hazy until the sun went down, so the pictures aren't the best.  I love living in such a beautiful place! 

My favorite view of the Salt Lake area.

Monday, October 31, 2011


There are times when I get super into crafting and baking and all that good stuff. Halloween was one of those times. For the most part, I hate Halloween. It's for kids; I don't have any. Other then that I've found that Halloween is a time where a lot of people have an excuse to wear as little clothes as possible. It's like a free for all where you can walk around in your underwear (or less) and not get arrested.


I made these delicious sugar cookies for my parent volunteers in my classroom, my neighbors, and friends. My friend Jeannie gave me her family recipe, and holy moly, it's fantastic! The recipe makes about 80 cookies, and they are frosted with cream cheese frosting.  You can't have just one.

Upon making the cookies, I found a few cute ways online to bag them up and deliver them.  Here's what the finished product looked like:

Some cookies went in bags for my neighbors. I printed these.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Zoe's Birthday

While I was off for Fall Break/UEA/Deer Hunt (whatever you want to call it around here), I went to Jenni's and helped with a party for Zoe's 6th birthday.  Her first friend party!  We did a princess party where the girls made crowns, played silly games, had cake and ice cream, and other fun stuff. I think they had a lot of fun.

Here's a slideshow.

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P.S. I can't believe this baby girl is six!

Out and About with Grandpa

While I was off track (yikes! I'm behind in posting--like a month ago), I spent the day with my grandpa. We went to lunch at a mexican restaurant in Sandy, and then we took a drive up to Deer Creek. It was beautiful up there. The weather was perfect, it wasn't crowded, and Grandpa really enjoyed just sitting by the lake. We stopped in Heber on the way home and had some good old fashioned malts at one of the little places there. It was delicious! It was nice to spend time with Grandpa, and I know these times are few and far between. He was so funny. He talked the whole way home about wanting to get the camper going and the boat out on the lake. He talked about the camper being such a good, reliable vehicle that never broke down. Funny thing is, every time we were with them in the camper, I swear we spent time on the side of the road because it would always overheat! It made me laugh.  It was a nice day.  I think that Grandpa and I are very alike in ways. We're both living alone, doing most stuff alone, and we love to have the company of others among other things.  It was nice to chat and spend time with him for a bit. I need to do it more often.  Oh, and I got to see my favorite cat, Gato. He is so spoiled by Grandpa, but I think that's a good thing. Grandpa needs that kitty.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wish We All Could Be Californians

This post has a lot of pictures, and a lot of editing difficulties. Just go with it. 

I love when I'm off track. This three week break couldn't come fast enough for me.  This has been a challenging start to the school year. Anyway, on my off track, I headed to Southern California to spend time with the Fifield family.  My friend, Bernardo (who is visiting from Brazil), also came along for the ride.

We drove down Tuesday night after I got off work and stayed at Jenni's house.  I slept in the bed next to Zoe, and bright and early, I had a little body crawl into bed with me. Zoe never wants to snuggle! She snuggled with me and talked, and talked, and talked about kindergarten, her friends, and her birthday. She was so cute! Even though she woke me up super early, it was a moment I'll cherish. I'll take all of those I can get!

Wednesday, we drove from Monroe all the way to our destination, stopping only for gas and lunch.  We arrived just in time for dinner. It was funny because Axton was crying when we got there. He *said* it was because he wanted to wait for us for dinner, but he may or may not have not wanted to eat in the first place. I'll take him wanting to wait for us, more specifically his favorite aunt, me. That cute kid!

While in California, Kristin and Matthew did a fantastic job of hosting us.  We did a lot of fun things. Thursday we went to The Farm with the kids and saw all sorts of farm animals. The coolest things was the pigmy goats climbing above my head. They were in the trees and going from tree to tree by walking on two by four boards. 
Axton ran right OVER this puddle. 
One morning we went shopping to some of the outlets, and on our way home we stopped at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. We enjoyed the gardens and walked around the outside. Here I am standing with a piece of the Berlin Wall. 
Who doesn't love cute baby faces?

Thursday night, Matthew took Bernardo and I to the driving range where we practiced our golf swings and looked pretty ridiculous, I'm sure.  Going to the driving range is something I've always wanted to do, silly as it sounds. Mostly, I think I liked just taking a whack at those balls.  I did find, however, that it's not about hitting the ball with all your strength. Also, I had to lose my softball swing to swing the club correctly. I had a really fun time and even hit the ball pretty hard. Thanks, Matthew!

Friday during the day, we packed up and went to the beach with one of Kristin's friends and her baby.  We had sandwiches in the car and then just enjoyed the beach. After rocking Jayli to sleep, I just relaxed on my blanket, read my book, and then walked in the waves.  I built some sand castles with Axton, and then buried him in the sand. What a silly kid! It was a fun and relaxing day.

Friday night we went camping.  Well, the kind of camping where you go, roast hotdogs, make s'mores, and then come home and sleep in your own warm bed. Kristin and I made potato salad and got everything ready to take. We drove about fifteen minutes to a place that offered day use sites and had a fun dinner and picnic. The best part was playing on the playground with Axton and roasting my hotdog.  I'll admit--I didn't know how to tell when it was done, so I just burned it. Better safe than sorry. Besides, I like it a little crunchy. Haha! That was my first hot dog in a loooooong time. Long time.   Then we came home and played bowling and golf on the wii.  Matthew and I are pretty competitive when it comes to that, but I was pretty good. Not going to lie.

Saturday we packed up and headed into Los Angeles.  We went to the Griffiths Observatory, saw the Hollywood sign and took some pictures in front of it, and saw all the exhibits. We then had lunch at Tommy Burger (not that great) and headed to Hollywood Blvd. to see the stars on the sidewalks, the hand and footprints in cement, and all that jazz.  I now know why they do all the premiers at night and with a red carpet and lots of lights. That place looks incredibly dirty during the day. I really didn't feel like putting my hands down anywhere. An experience, yes. Would I do it again? Probably not.

We then headed to the Santa Monica Pier.  It was beautiful! The weather was perfect, and it wasn't too crowded. We walked up and down the pier, sat and watched the waves for a bit, and enjoyed the ocean view.  Kristin and Matthew had an artist on the pier do chalk drawings of Axton and Jayli. Axton did such a good job holding still! I held Jayli while she had her picture done, and Kristin, Matthew, and Axton rode the Ferris Wheel.  We ended the day at home with pizza and watching sports. A long but fun day!

Sunday was church as usual.  Bernardo got to speak with some people who were from Brazil, so he enjoyed that.  I was in charge of Jayli while the Fifields taught their classes and such.  She pretty much slept the whole time. She was such a sweetheart! I think my favorite thing is just to hold her and rock her to sleep. Love that girl.  After church and dinner, the Fifields and I went to a local park and took some cute pictures of their family.  Axton decided he did not want to participate. It was kind of frustrating and hilarious at the same time. Oh, and I guess I should have known it would go well when seconds before I took the first picture, Jayli barfed all over Kristin.

Monday night, Kristin and I were able to go and see the movie The Help at a local theater. Movies are kind of pricey in California, but I guess you have to just go with it! We got popcorn and everything. Let's face it--we don't get out together often! The movie was excellent--I've now seen it twice.  I enjoyed it more than I have any movie in awhile. It was nice of the boys to babysit while we had a girl's night out.

Tuesday Bernardo, Axton, and I drove down to the Los Angeles Temple and toured the visitors center and grounds.  Axton was so stinkin' cute. He loved the kids activities in the visitors center. He only wanted to do that and take pictures.  But, that kid did not want his picture taken! He gave the big old frowny face, as you can see in some of these pictures.  The cutest thing was when we were walking around the large reflecting pool at the front of the temple. We were talking about how old you had to be to go in the temple. He asked, "Michelle? How old do you have to be to put bath toys in there?"  Haha! I told him it wasn't for bath toys. I think he was kind of disappointed.  We had lunch at KFC, and then headed back home.

Axton at the Visitor's Center. He looks so grown up!
When we got back, Axton had a special request. He just wanted to go and ride the escalator at Macy's.  Last time I was here, he wanted to do the same thing, except he called them the Scary Stairs. This time he said (in his small little voice), "They're not scary, Michelle. It's an escalator."  Well, I'll tell you what--when a three year old decides he wants to run up and down the escalator--it's a little scary for the adult!  We had to ride them three times. I had said he could ride them two times, but then he asked, "Well, how about three times?" Three times it was.

Later that night, Kristin and I went back to Macy's where I bought some of my favorite jeans (Hydraulics), and then we shopped a bit around town after dinner.   It was me, Kristin, and Jayli. The boys had gone to the church for activity night. I love just shopping with my sister, even if we don't buy anything.  Spending time together is the best.

Wednesday morning, we left bright and early at 6 to head back to Utah. After driving all day, we finally made it back home at about 8.  Long day and long drive, but definitely worth it!

See you next time, Fifield family! Love your guts!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


This is going to sound ridiculous, but it's true.

As I was in the shower, going to shave my legs, I went to squirt some shave gel in my hand. Now, I didn't have my contacts in, so I could see about three inches.  I was holding my hand just around my neck area and pushed the shave gel nozzle.  That thing was pressurized like a fire extinguisher! The shave gel shot out so hard and quickly that it rebounded right off my hands into MY EYES! And there is where it started doing it's foaming action, amidst my little screams and fancy dancing while trying to rise out my eyes under the shower head.  It wasn't pretty.

Needless to say, as I head to bed, my eyes are very red and a little swollen. I've rinsed all I can rinse. I guess I'll just have to see what tomorrow brings. Good thing I found my glasses.

Pretty stupid, eh?  Guess I'll just start wearing goggles in the shower. Or switch out that shave gel.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I spent entirely too much money on new jeans today. Worth. Every. Penny. After spending time looking around for a replacement at not-quite-the-cost, it's worth it.  I've bought other jeans thinking they would work, but they just don't.  So, I spend the money, and I love my jeans. Hydraulics brand, just in case you wondered. :)

Be ready for a bit of back blogging. I've been very lazy.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Technology hates me. Or something. I just tend to break it or have a hard time making it work the way I would like. In the past two years, I've gone through four phones, two computers, an Ipod dock and player, and a TV. Make that two.

My TV is old. Analog, boxy, heavy, full of static, and just old.  It hasn't been working well, and the color is starting to go right through the middle. I don't watch TV that often, so it hasn't really been a problem.

When I was in California, my sister offered to let me take an extra TV they had. Older, yes. Boxy, yes. Working, yes.  So, I brought it home.

I had a friend come and walk me up the stairs and open the door to my place because I knew I couldn't hold the TV and open the door. It was heavy and tricky to get up four flights. But, I did it.

Then, I walked right in the house, set it on the couch, and proceeded to close the door. In that time, the TV practically leapt off the couch, crashed to the floor, broke apart from the casing, and caused me to almost poop my pants. It was loud.

I promptly turned to look at my friend in horror and proclaimed, "See! I need a man for this heavy technology stuff!"

Needless to say, I now have two very heavy nonworking TVs which I now need to haul back down the stairs. And a computer. And Ipod dock.

Friday, September 16, 2011

On Dating

I'm not going to lie, being single in the church and in Utah at 28 is rough. The dating scene can get pretty ridiculous sometimes. Lately, I feel when I come home I just need this posted on the wall by the door.  

Other times, I think I'd rather break my arm. Or maybe both of them. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I've been neglecting my blog. Yep, it's true.

Work and life have been totally overwhelming lately, and I don't really feel like rehashing it nor do I have time.

I may or may not neglect it for another day or two . . . or at least until I get home from my fun vacation in California. Then I might actually have something fun to write about.

Thinking happy blogging thoughts.

Yay for vacations!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011


As I was pushing Zoe on this swing, I was thinking how time flies. I remember when I was the one on the swing. I remember holding Zoe the day she was born, wishing she'd stay little forever. I remember thinking that the days, weeks, months, and years took so long to pass. Now I find that weeks and months have passed, and I've hardly blinked. Oh, to be young again.  For now, I' guess I'll just take the little moments I can get, like this one.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Grandpa's Birthday

Grandpa Wood had his 80th birthday on July 29th. We celebrated with everyone on July 25, a perfect day to celebrate since it was a holiday and all.

Cookie Pops. Oreos in chocolate and sprinkles. For the kids. ;)

Best money I've ever spent!  

This is a picture that I have from Grandpa's birthday back when I had to be about 3 or 4. That's me on the right and Jenni on the left sitting on Grandma's lap.  Oh, how time flies! And little did we know then how much everyone would come to love popcorn because of eating it with Grandpa. Good times!