Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Place to Sit

Every year, I think things will change. This year will be different. We're usually plus or minus a few people from the year before. But, alas, this year will be no different from many. Yep, it's true. I'm still stuck at the "kids" table on Thanksgiving. My sisters lovingly informed me that it's because I'm not married and blahbitty blah blah. Great. Why does that have anything to do with it? If I were married, what would we do? Draw straws? Base it on age? Being married doesn't automatically creat more space or chairs at the table. So, here I am at 25, sitting with the 14, 15, and 17 year olds, feeding the drooling toddlers and babies. Maybe someday the "kids table" will just morph into the "hip and young" table and the "adult table" will turn into the retirement table. Haa haa! Oh, I do love my family. I guess we're just getting to large to share a meal that requires sitting together! :) Wish me better luck for next year!


Chelc said...

Hey Michelle~
I saw your comment on Micah's Blog. I was so happy that she found a great guy like John. It was fun to look through your blog. I haven't seen or talked to you for forever, but it sounds like things are going well. I bet you are an amazing teacher! I love this blog thing, I have gotten a little more caught up with so many people! Anyway, take care. Feel free to check out my blog!

Misty said...

I, too, end up at the kid's table at holidays. Always fun. I agree that it will soon be the "young and cool" table while the other will be the old and retired! I hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving!

Kristin said...

If i seem to recall correclty I was at the hip and young table also, with my husband,so married doesn't mean a thing according to tables!

Michelle said...

Kristin--This post was based off dinner at Dad's house where yes, you did tell me that I had to sit at the kids' table because I was single and you and your husband sat at the "adult" table. Yep, it's true!