Saturday, July 16, 2011

A 5K by Moonlight

Okay, so it was more like neon lights.  The Legacy Highway Midnight Run was excellent, but I was a bit overwhelmed by flashing, bouncing, blinking lights. And pretty much all of them were neon.  I must admit, I'm a little bit motion sick just from that.  It was like being at an 80's neon disco dance.  750 or so people with AT LEAST 10 glow sticks each (some of these people went CrAzY with the glow sticks! I didn't know they made glow sticks like that . . . .) makes a sight to behold. But, on the flip side, I could always see just where I was going, how many people were in front of me, and how many people were behind me. Bonus.

I finished the run in under the time I wanted. It wasn't my best time, but I was walking a lot because I wore the wrong shorts. Bad. They were rubbing all weird. I'm going to have to stick to my jogging capris or pants just for that reason.  Hate it.  Anyway, I did run a good portion.

I truly think that runners have some of the best sportsmanship.  There were tons of people on a small trail, all running different directions. There was a half marathon, 10 K and 5K going on at the same time.  Regardless, people were constantly cheering each other on, encouraging them to keep going, and just offering words of support.  There were probably no less than 10 people who shouted words of encouragement while I was running the race.  After feeling kind of all alone out there, running by myself, it was very uplifting and encouraging.  Also, tons of people were there at the end, cheering on anyone who came across the finish line about 1/4 away.  I think it made my feet a little swifter. I wanted to please the people, so their shouting had not been in vain. :)

It was not the most exciting thing I've ever done, but I did it.  I set a goal, and worked toward it, and finished it. I can do hard things!

And I may not be able to breathe right until Sunday.

Before the race, sporting the 80's race shirt.

Glow Sticks!

Showing off the Glow Sticks before the race. Those things are kind of hard to put on by yourself!

Not the best picture, but do you like my hair?

After the race, with a little more color in my cheeks. Notice the clock. I'm tired. 


Kristin said...

Hooray, hooray for you! I'm excited and exhausted for you. I love your hair with the glow sticks.

Janica said...

yay Shelle! I wish I could have been there, maybe running, maybe not. YOU ROCK!mom

Tyler and Kimberly said...

You are such a cute runner! I think it's awesome that you did that. Congrats friend!