Wednesday, November 25, 2009


So, I've been in a funk lately. I've just kind of had a bad attitude about life in general. Being Thanksgiving and all, I'm going to try to remedy this by making a listy-list of small, silly, and random things I am grateful for. I am blessed beyond measure. Here goes.

Family and friends, even the crazy ones. I heart all your faces.
A car--to get to work, to get home, to see the world
My cell phone and computer. I love talking to my family each day.
Music. It lifts my spirits. Who doesn't like singing in the car?
Fall leaves and sweater weather
The beautiful mountains and scenic places of Utah
The gospel and my cute ward
Contacts. Wow. I tell you what. Wow.
The best roomies ever
Axton, Zoe, and Dante
A wonderful job and class that I love
The ability to play the piano, guitar, and violin
My freaking fantastic educational opportunities
The chances I've had to travel near and far
A good, hot shower
Service that blesses my life and the lives of others
Comedy and laughter. Need I say more?
Sleeping in on a weekday morning
Mom's waffles for breakfast
Gazing up at the night sky
Reading and finishing a good book
An exciting date
Spending time with those I love

1 comment:

Misty said...

I am thankful for YOU! I have been in a funk a little lately, too! Must be the weather! I really am thankful for you, my friend!!! You will enjoy this: my word verification to post this comment was: "nizzliz"! LOL! It just made me laugh!